Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Biggest Loser - Season 1

Not only are hubby and I watching the current Biggest Loser - Season 10 which just started last week.  We are also going through all of the other seasons. =)

We just stated and we are in Episode 3 of Season 1.  So if you never watched they had the two teams with Bob and Jillian but they were called the Eat More and Eat Less teams.

In Week 1 they all had great losses, but Jillian's team definitely did more and more intense workouts than Bob's team.  The most that was lost was 20+ lbs in the first week.  In Week 2 they had from +3 to -7 I think was the most - but most were at 0, 1, 2lb losses across both teams.

In Week 3 Jillian talks to her team about how they are all going to plateau.  How their bodies are going into

Monday, September 27, 2010

I Am Killing My To Do Lists

While I was preparing The Big FIVE post, I was adding a few details to each of the Big Five and I wrote the line "joyfully marking things off of your to do list" in the category of "schedule time for yourself to do things you enjoy".

I stopped.

I don't enjoy my to do list.  That todolist.txt file on my desktop never ends.  We even have a Basecamp account for a collection of all of our to do lists across our life.  None of them ever get short enough that I feel

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Big FIVE

Trying to lose weight?  Generally how you manage the big five will have huge impacts on your success of losing it, but also keeping it off.

How are you doing with the big FIVE?

1. Eating every 3-4 hours to keep your body fueled evenly throughout the day.  Eat your heavier fats and carbs early in the day with a protein (see next one) so you are highly fueled to get through your day and can

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Shootin' for that 5%

Statistic:  Only 5% of people who lose more than 10% of their body weight retain that loss after 5 years.

That is horrible.

What does that mean?

Does that mean that 95% of the people are incapable of keeping it off?  That if they just worked out a little more, or just ate a little less, they could remain in the 5% category or increase the percentages?  One of the big eye openers, and areas of forgiveness within myself is to find out that my weight is a factor of dozens of

Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's Learn About: Your OMENTUM

Your OMENTUM is like the stomach's outdoor parking lot.  Normally there are four double rows to this parking lot.  Your Omentum's job is to temporarily park fat for energy when it senses you have elevated stress levels.  It interprets that to mean that the tiger is lurking near and if you need to make a break for it, it will park fat right here in the lot right outside the stomach to draw from for immediate energy (rather than that far away stored fat on your thighs) and it will use that to provide you the fuel you will need to get away.

So under constant stress, it never clears the parking lot.  It keeps storing more fat in the lot (building

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Note to that voice in my head...

I'm not trying to win a race.  I don't have to be a certain weight by a certain date.

I am focusing on finding ways to incorporate health and fitness into my daily routine in a way that gets me to and maintains my body at a healthy for me weight.

I want to lose this weight SLOWLY as to reduce any health risks that I may have if I try to lose this too quickly.

I will allow myself to have time to defrag and allow my body to readjust itself during the week of my comma and give myself a break as I am emotionally in a different place than normal and I do have to take that

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Biggest Loser is BACK! Season 10 Begins - Episode 1


In my electronic files I have over 40 pages of information that I cultivated just the last two seasons of The Biggest Loser.  Things to eat, exercise numbers (Jillian yelling I want to see incline 4 at speed 4 NOW!), exercises, challenges, etc.  I have learned SO MUCH from this show that has helped me be successful in my journey thus far, and now after watching Episode 1, I know that Season 10 will continue to inspire and educate me on my own journey.  I watched the 3 minute Season preview and I cried from almost the moment

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today's Fitness

Trying to stay on schedule with fitness.  It is still one of the areas that I haven't worked all the way through. =)

Today I did 5 minute treadmill warmup
5 minutes stretching
30 minutes bike

Not feeling "satisfied" or "good" about this.  Going to explore that thought process - something is awry in my thinking. =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vacation is over.. time to get back on track =)

We had a blast in Minnesota!

The first few days at home I felt great.  Energized and ready to continue on our quest to get to MN and move on to the next phase of our business.

Then as the days go by, and things that you set out to do don't get done, and more days pass with no workouts.. blah blah blah becomes our life again.

I think that both D and I were so bummed to be coming home we actually got into a funk.  Into a blah routine

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The same as quitting smoking..

Your food and nutrition choices can reduce your risk of cancer - the same as quitting smoking.  If you eat optimally 30 - 60% of cancers can be prevented.

The same as quitting smoking.

The SAME as quitting smoking.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MN Renissance Festival - 4.8 Miles

The MN Renissance Festival is set in the middle of the forest with huge permanent buildings that reside there year 'round.  Costumes/Street Clothes are about 50/50 for the visitors.  I love theatrical Minnesotans. =)

At the entrance to the Ren Fest. 

Happy Fairy

My Happy Beer Fairies

Monday, September 6, 2010

MN Trip - Dominoes is a very serious game.

Aunt Jan, Uncle Larry, Cousin Bob, Hubby D, Niece Kate. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MN State Fair - 3.9 Miles

On Wednesday we went to the MN State Fair where all kinds of food can be found on a stick or deep fried.  I won't torture you with what we ate while we were there - but it was all pretty good. =)

The MN State Fair is huge.  They grow items on the grounds that I always find really impressive.  I was amazed at the height of the sunflowers this year.  If you notice that woman in the background, she is just over the height of the fence.  Crazy Sunflowers. =)

The building with robots was pretty cool.  We were impressed with the tire set on this unit and a few others.  The wheels are made up of smaller wheels that are on rotating casters - very cool!

One of them even had written in marker on the side:
"All your           belong to us"

On the bar below it are mechanical components from almost every sci fi movie/show we have seen.  Flux Capacitator. =)

We heard that the MN State Fair is only beat in size by the TX State Fair.  This is just ONE road of people.

That evening we had the opportunity to attend the Weird Al concert at the MN State Fair.  Just like the showman he is he had video clips, costume changes and put on an awesome show.  D laughed through the entire concert. =)

White and Nerdy

My White & Indian and Nerdy =)

Fireworks from our seat when the show was over.  Couldn't be more perfect.  I was so happy to have my best two peeps with me at such an amazing day/night.  =)

Thanks =)