In my electronic files I have over 40 pages of information that I cultivated just the last two seasons of The Biggest Loser. Things to eat, exercise numbers (Jillian yelling I want to see incline 4 at speed 4 NOW!), exercises, challenges, etc. I have learned SO MUCH from this show that has helped me be successful in my journey thus far, and now after watching Episode 1, I know that Season 10 will continue to inspire and educate me on my own journey. I watched the 3 minute Season preview and I cried from almost the moment
it started. This is US. This is our country. This is our friends, our family, our co-workers - this is US.
It is my plan that each week throughout this season I will do a write up and notes from each episode. However, we can't forget - this is a competition for them. So in the first episode, we meet the contestants.
Season 10 - Episode 1 - Original Air Date 9/21/10 - Click here to view the full episode.
- For the first time in US History there is more Obese than Overweight.
- For the first time since the Civil War the life expectancy has decreased.
- Obesity has surpassed smoking as the leading cause of preventable death.
- 2 out of 3 Americans are Obese
Bob, Jillian and Ally went to 7 Cities to motivate and find the next contestants. 3 will make it to the challenge, the top 2 will go to the ranch. Some cities have a step competition, some have a 1 mile competition.
This Season's Theme: Pay It Forward
***Detroit, MI***
Jesse 27 - St. Paul, MN
My weight is a fog that hangs over everything. I don't spend time with my friends, go out anymore - it's ruining my life.
Starting Weight: 369
Sophia 29 - Gaithersburg, MD - School Counselor
Brother died in a car accident in Feb 2009.
Starting Weight: 272
Aaron 29 - Kent, OH - Graphic Designer
Had an alcoholic father that he was embarrassed by him. He didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps with his drinking addiction, but without realizing it, he turned to food. Has a wife and young son. Doesn't want to embarrass his son, he wants to be his role model. Lookin' for a miracle.
Starting Weight: 468
Step Challenge
@ Ranch: Bob to Aaron - Orange Team
@ Home: Sophia
You doing that 500 steps showed your family and your friends what you are made of. You can do this. It's all about finishing and nothing is ever over.
***Los Angeles, CA***
One woman in the crowd lost 83lbs after watching Season 9 and being inspired.
Adam 26 - Santa Anna, CA - Non-Profit Manager
Always been big. Mom was always a big supporter to help him overcome through school. On 7/1/09 -
Mom passed away in her room overnight. Heart attack that was brought on by obesity and diabetes.
Starting Weight: 402
Ada 27 - San Francisco, CA - Consultant
First generation immigrant. Brother drown in the kiddie pool with her. Another son died of SIDS. Final
son was in a car accident with her - father walked in the house and slapped her across the face saying "What are you trying to kill another one?"
Starting Weight: 258
Montina 35 - Professional Singer - back up to Beyonce.
Tired of being heard but not seen. The music industry is very tough on image. I have heard "You're not marketable" - it's heartbreaking.
Starting Weight: 287
@ Ranch: Ada, Adam - Blue Team
@Home: Montina
Adam - When I finished, I felt alive in that moment. I never felt like that in my entire life.
***Portland, OR***
Mike from Season 7 - 207 Lost. Has been public speaking and doing as much for his community as
he can.
Burgandy 35 - Eagle Mountain Utah - 5 Kids. 16 Year Marriage.
I think that I struggle with a lot of things, that a lot of women who put their families first struggle with. You start to think about them so much that you don't ever ask internal questions because you are so busy all the time making sure that everything is done that I don't ever do a self-check. Where am I What are my goals? What do I want out of life? I can never have the type of relationship that I want to have with my husband because I am insecure. he tells me you're beautiful you're beautiful don't you see that? I tell him no. I don't think that you're telling the truth.
The reason I am here is b/c I am a mom of 5, I am a military spouse, Foster Mom and I have a daughter with Autism. I am like all of the rest of America who puts everybody first and they have nothing left for themselves. That's why I am here. I am not ready to go home. I can't keep continue doing this (cycle) forever.
Corey 26 Fairbanks, AK - Life Coach
Married. I don't feel good about myself. So she doesn't have that strong husband that she should have. It makes me angry with myself.
Starting Weight: 391
Tina 58 - Boring, OR - Grandmother
Two children, 2 granddaughters, 1 grandson. I was attractive when I was younger. I have been overweight or obese for over 16 years. My second husband cheated on me. We divorced, I put everything on the burner and didn't pay attention to myself.
Starting Weight: 263
Eric: The one thing you will learn quickly about The Biggest Loser is that every victory you get -
you have to earn.
Challenge - 1 mile.
Bob: It's 1 mile. It's not like its a 5k or anything. Its 1 mile. We all should be able to do 1 mile.
Corey - I am 30 years younger than Tina, I should be able to do better than her.
Burgandy: When I crossed the finish line I felt like I could do this, I could really make a difference in my life.
Lorelei: Just this ONE victory fueled her to want better.
Tina - I saw Corey ahead of me and I thought, I am gonna lose this. Then Corey fell. Tina's family told her that she has to run.. she has to go she has to do this. Tina crosses the finish line. Corey is on the ground.
Corey - it was the worst moment of my life hitting that ground. Why couldn't I go 20 yards. Why don't I listen to myself. Why does my body do this to me. Corey is removed from the grounds by ambulance. He says in his post interview: I don't think there is any chance in the world that I can't do this now.
Bob: It is time for America to take control of our lives again. Your body wants to be healthy. When you make those small changes your bodies will respond. Remember Corey today.
@ Ranch: Burgandy, Tina
@ Home: Corey
***Atlanta, GA***
1/3 of the deaths in GA last year were linked to obesity related diseases.
One woman in the crowd lost 110lbs on her own after watching The Biggest Loser.
Jillian: In life people look for a catalysing or instigating event. Oh, I'm gonna start Monday. It's always something. And if this event today provides them with that new tomorrow, the beginning of the rest of your life - then great.
Anna 39 Atlanta, GA Admin Asst
I lost my 3 year old son to cancer. He wasn't born with it, it just came. I was there with him every day. We would sit in the rocking chair and we fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone. I believe that I have a lot of life ahead of me and I want to be able to enjoy it, but first I know I have a lot of repairing to do.. for me.
Starting Weight: 330
Rick 54 Conway, AK Physical Therapist
Married for 32 years. 5 Kids. 9 Grandchildren. I want to be around for them. I have not shown them the type of lifestyle that would be healthy. I want to be a good example to them, not a poor example to them in terms of health. This is what I need to do.
Starting Weight: 350
Patrick 27 Vicksburg, MI Sales Rep
Married and two young boys. If I don't do something quickly my kids will think.. we want to be just like Daddy. But, I think that they are still young enough to make the change now to reign in in their mind that hey, Daddy has done this and now Daddy can be more healthy and be around for us. Start doing it right now or face an early death. Now is the time I am going to do it. If I don't change my ways, I am going to die and
I am going to die young. I've just got to make that change.
Starting Weight: 400
1 Mile Challenge:
Patrick - The mind set going in is.. you don't have to win, but you can't be last.
Rick - Rick hasn't run a mile in 25 years. I need TBL because I need to focus on me. I need this beginning to get me on the journey for the rest of my life.
A short while in, Anna is melting down in last place. She says she's hurt.
Jillian: You know what hurts? 300lbs hurts.
Jillian tries everything to get her moving and she breaks down saying she can't breathe.
Rick upon finishing - This is a start. That was the first mile of my journey. There was no one that was going
to stop me from getting there - 16:07!
Patrick - 16:55
Anna - I know that my dream was about to be gone. She goes into the stadium and they cheer her over the finish line. Losing the race, is just a race. My weight loss continues. I am determined not to give up.
@ Ranch: Rick and Patrick
@ Home: Anna
***Phoenix, AX***
1.5 Billion a year spent in AZ alone for obesity related health care costs.
Jessica 26 Tuscon, AZ - Wedding Planner
Always the big girl. Mother would say, no one is ever gonna love you when you're fat. It would get physical. So my way to get back at her is that I would eat. It solidified everything my mother ever said. Even tho I have forgiven her, it still effects me to this day.
Starting Weight: 282
Mark 30 New Jersey - Bartender
Never really fat, bigger in HS. College the workout stopped completely. Freshman 50. Family life is hectic. Nervous Jewish family. Mother is overweight and her health problems are piling up. I want her to succeed and I want to succeed as well. I know exactly where she is.
Starting Weight: 421
Shanna 39 - Puma, AZ - Teacher
Four boys. 6/6/09 - Diagnosed with Aggressive Grade 3 Breast Cancer. Was worried that I wasn't gonna live. I have already beat breast cancer, so now I am going to beat obesity. It wasn't your choice to get cancer, but it is your choice to get to a healthy weight. It's our choice to get to a healthy weight so we can beat cancer and we can get strong together. I didn't know the weight and the cancer had a link - but it does.
Starting Weight: 242
1 Mile Challenge:
@ Ranch: Jessica and Mark
@ Home: Shanna
Shanna: Sure I am disappointed that I am not going to the ranch, but the main thing is that I am going to get to my healthy weight. I will lost the weight to raise those kids.
********Bob Trainer Tips********
For 10 Seasons TBL has given contestants the tools they need to improve their lives. Even if you don't have a gym trainers there are ways that you can make changes to be motivated and make positive changes at home.
Motivated and keep strength in numbers for a healthy routine.
- Strength in numbers helps you stick to a routine. So organize family activities around your house.
- Planting a garden in your backyard gets everyone moving, is good for the environment and is a good way to learn about healthy eating.
Just remember to drink plenty of water when you are outside. It can keep you energized throughout the day and even help you lose weight. always drink water.
Visit loser to learn how you can take small steps to improve your life.
***Oklahoma City, OK***
Allie 22 Student
At 14 she had VGB - Dr. said, "If you stay this way, you're gonna die. But if you get it, it's gonna fix you." What I learned is that it fixes your stomach, but it doesn't fix your thought process of food. I didn't everything he told me to and it hasn't fixed me. Mother diabetes, she had a stroke at 48 and has had complications from it and I just can't be like that. I don't want my legend to be that Allie died b/c of heart attack, diabetes - it won't be. I will be breaking the cycle.
Starting Weight: 322
Lisa Homemaker
About 3 months ago and my daughter was laying on the couch and lost her vision. They found out she was so dehydrated it didn't register on their charts. She had let them know that she hadn't been eating or drinking b/c she didn't want to be fat like her Mom. How am I going to finish raising her and my son if they don't want to be like me.
Starting Weight 288
My older brother tried out for the show on 3/20 and on 3/25 he died in his sleep. You know. No warning. I am doing this for Mike, for me and my family and I want to be around for a long time. It is hard to tell your kids that Uncle Mike is gone. They were so devastated when he died, how are they going to feel when it is me? I have too much to live for.
Starting Weight 259
Step Challenge
@ Ranch: Ally, Lisa - Pink Team
@ Home: Sandy
***Boston, MA***
Brendan 23 - Boston, MA - Teacher
Growing up I was always the little fat kid. When I turned 13 and went on a diet and lost 60 - 70 lbs. Lost 110, gained 110. After college I became an inner city special ed teacher. I teach a Wellness program at school. I feel bad, why should they listen to me. I drink soda every morning and eat pastries for breakfast. I broke off the engagement. I lost the love of my life because of my obesity and because of the lack of love for myself - 100%.
Starting Weight: 362
A few years ago I got this tattoo - Self Respect is the fruit of discipline - get a strangle hold on my life and live the life I am supposed to be living.
Elizabeth 30 - Boston, MA Medical Assistant
Divorced. 125 when she got married. Happy and me. While I was married it was an abusive - verbally, physically, possessive and jealous. He made me feel ugly. He grinded my self esteem down to nothing. I gained 90lbs and I woke up one day, it was like I woke up from a nightmare. I've gotten used to being this big. I don't want to feel this way. I don't feel like i am living my life to the fullest.
Starting Weight: 244
Frado 45 - Staten Island, NY - Commodities Trader
Married 23 years 3 kids. My health is not that great. Type 2 Diabetes. I take insulin 30 min before every meal. That is a ton of insulin. Former Marine 185lb rock. 210 to 290. My measurement of food is success, so the more successful I became in business the more I ate. It was funny in the beginning but now I can't get away from it - like a train going down a hill.
I'm here because I wanna save my life and I wanna life for my wife, my family. I love you guys. That's why I am here. I'll do good for you guys - I promise you.
Starting Weight: 367
It all comes down to this moment. The ranch is 500 steps away.
Frado - I am part of something bigger than myself - that's my family.
Elizabeth - I have pain in my chest. Asthma attack. Tried to push myself through it, maybe I can continue and still win this. Puffs on inhaler. Jillian tries to get her through it. She passes out and collapses. When I collapsed I felt like I had failed, like my life was over.
Frado consoled her and told her that it is not over, keep working on it and he wanted to see her again.
@ Ranch: Frado & Brendan - Black Team - Boston and NY - believe it or not.
@ Home: Elizabeth
Of the upcoming season Preview my favorite quote is this:
Bob: "You think you know what goes on in this house - you have NO IDEA. You have to forget everything you know.. because you have NO IDEA."
That was one of the biggest eye openers to me. I thought I knew what it took to lose weight, but clearly I didn't know anything. The volume of information that I have learned and applied since I started my journey is a clear testament that I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was doing. I still don't.. but I am learning and taking the steps forward to be a healthier me. =)
Looking forward to a motivating, inspiring and educational Season 10 - Thanks NBC! =)
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