Friday, July 2, 2010

We are Weight Loss Pioneers

I often envision a future me.  Healthy, fit, obviously older, and my niece and nephew's children will ask me, "So Great Auntie Lorelei, tell us again the story of how you lost weight in the olden days..."

The first key to any old person telling a story is to point out all of the modernizations and technology that weren't available "back then".  So I will call out modern technology and advancements in weight loss that we didn't have like their internal implants that calculate the nutritional value of a meal after a nanosecond optic scan prior to consumption.  Home server systems with a team of Service Droids didn't prepare our foods, or act as an on-demand, on-site personal trainer to take us through a daily workout routine.  We didn't have in home holographic gyms to kayak and mountain climb and spend hours hiking in the remote regions of some far off land.

We did it the hard way.

I will tell them of days of counting calories, and making your own food choices, and having to write in a paper journal (the use of paper will be outlawed by then), and reading food labels, and understanding nutritional balance and how certain food types effect other food types and how they fuel your body.

I will recap how the people of America rose up against their Government and Industry for trying to kill us in COUNTLESS ways - health care, work benefits, work hours, tax breaks, working conditions, product packaging, added ingredients and more.  The biggest catalyst was the Corn Crush of 2011.  The production of feed corn that was turned into Corn Syrup and High Fuctose Corn Syrup and placed into so many of our foods, fed to our livestock - all to the point that we literally had corn showing up in our DNA.  The movement was really spawned when our own government wanted to TAX the very soda that we are buying when our government used our TAX MONEY to buy the feed corn that is processed into the soda.  You are gonna tax me on something you used my tax dollars to buy?  Shame on you.

After successfully changing the way corn is produced, our food was produced, our livestock were treated and fed.. it only continued to spawn countless movements that inspired and changed the way everyone thought about food, fitness and their health.  As a nation, in an effort to save ourselves, our children and our country from a constant diagnosis of obesity, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea - we now only consumed the amount of healthy food that we needed to fuel our bodies rather than gorging on excess with no positive outcomes. 

Movements to increase physical activities in all facets of life - school, work and home were implemented in all formats - weight loss challenges, fitness challenges, healthy cooking challenges.  Employers felt the effects in their bottom lines of increased profits, lower absenteeism, and a stronger company culture by pulling the employees together to make a chance.  This spawned further movements to deconstruct the unhealthy and pressure ridden work places that kept us fat, unhappy, and contributed to the depression, disease and divorce of this country in ways we just weren't aware.  When the people rose up to demand a change from their family members, their friends, their co-workers, their civil servants, their church members.. when they supported each other and reached out to pull one another through.. we found a unity as a nation that we never thought possible through all of our efforts at trying to make a connection with your fellow man through church, through civic activities - it was a unified quest for the improvement of the health of our nation that did it.  We pulled together, we fought against the establishment and we WON.

They will ooh and be in awe of power of the people, the power of pulling together like the community that we really are and inspiring a WORLD of people to get control of their nations health before they got out of control.

I document my journey because I am a weight loss pioneer!