Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tim Ferris - 4 Hour Body

Tim Ferris the author of the 4-Hour Work Week and now the 4-Hour Body was on Dr. Oz and he shared these three tips that Dr. Oz tested with his medical team.

Tips for losing weight:

#1 - Ice therapy
a. cold pack for 30 minutes on the upper back and work your way up to an ice bath for 10 minutes from the waist down.
b. drink ice water throughout the day

The first one works because when you are cold, your brown fat (the fat around your organs) works very hard to keep your organs warm and pump your blood through your tissue and they consume a ton of energy to do this.

The second one works as your body needs to heat up the water to be able to let it pass into your intestines.  This takes energy by your body (calories) and is an easy way to burn extra calories.

#2 - Consume 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up.
This will give you the amount of healthy fats to fuel you throughout the entire day.

#3 - Pig out once a week
By spiking your calories once a week - improves thyroid output. It makes a diet sustainable. That allows you to be restrictive the other 6 days a week. However, before your one meal binge drink a shot or two of grapefruit juice before you pig out. It opens up these receptors in your muscles. Then you binge. Within ONE hour of eating, you should do squats for 60 to 120 seconds. This will further open up the muscles receptors to burn the calories you have consumed rather than them being placed on your ass and thighs.

Another one that I read about on the same day in Dr. Oz's book YOU: On a Diet was fidgeting.  People who fidget burn more calories in a day than non-fidgeting people.  Any type of movement burns energy (calories) and so the more general movement during the day - the more calories burned.
I plan on definitely trying #1.  #2 I am going to work up to.  #3 has no appeal to me whatsoever at this point in my journey.  I get physically ill when I over do it on healthy foods, I can't even imagine pigging out intentionally on junk and unhealthy for me foods.