Thursday, September 2, 2010

MN State Fair - 3.9 Miles

On Wednesday we went to the MN State Fair where all kinds of food can be found on a stick or deep fried.  I won't torture you with what we ate while we were there - but it was all pretty good. =)

The MN State Fair is huge.  They grow items on the grounds that I always find really impressive.  I was amazed at the height of the sunflowers this year.  If you notice that woman in the background, she is just over the height of the fence.  Crazy Sunflowers. =)

The building with robots was pretty cool.  We were impressed with the tire set on this unit and a few others.  The wheels are made up of smaller wheels that are on rotating casters - very cool!

One of them even had written in marker on the side:
"All your           belong to us"

On the bar below it are mechanical components from almost every sci fi movie/show we have seen.  Flux Capacitator. =)

We heard that the MN State Fair is only beat in size by the TX State Fair.  This is just ONE road of people.

That evening we had the opportunity to attend the Weird Al concert at the MN State Fair.  Just like the showman he is he had video clips, costume changes and put on an awesome show.  D laughed through the entire concert. =)

White and Nerdy

My White & Indian and Nerdy =)

Fireworks from our seat when the show was over.  Couldn't be more perfect.  I was so happy to have my best two peeps with me at such an amazing day/night.  =)

Thanks =)

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