Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's Learn About: Your OMENTUM

Your OMENTUM is like the stomach's outdoor parking lot.  Normally there are four double rows to this parking lot.  Your Omentum's job is to temporarily park fat for energy when it senses you have elevated stress levels.  It interprets that to mean that the tiger is lurking near and if you need to make a break for it, it will park fat right here in the lot right outside the stomach to draw from for immediate energy (rather than that far away stored fat on your thighs) and it will use that to provide you the fuel you will need to get away.

So under constant stress, it never clears the parking lot.  It keeps storing more fat in the lot (building
multi-level parking ramps if it has to) waiting for the tiger to strike, it banks on the fact that you will get away, and then you will de-stress to tell it that the threat is over and it will release the fat to either be passed or stored as needed.  If your stress is unending, the OMENTUM continues to increase in size and can begin to take over the chest cavity pushing all of your other tissue and organs upward packing them into your upper chest cavity.

The part that blew me away most about that information was that everyone I asks has no idea what an OMENTUM is.  Why were we not taught this as part of anatomy in school?  Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Omentum, Kidney, Liver..  it should have been right in there.
Consider this, if you are stressed, then if you stress eat, your omentum parks more fat waiting for the tiger to strike, you get bigger/heavier, feel like crap about yourself for getting heavier, having more to lose, further from your goals, now more stressed, eat more, park more, and on and on it goes.  If you only eat one big meal a day, this is even compounded as a massive amount of calories are all coming in at one time - this tiger won't stand a chance with the fat in that parking lot.

Except what the Omentum doesn't know is that it is not the sole player in the success of getting away from the tiger.  That excess fat in that omentum takes over the real estate in your chest cavity and pushes up on your heart and lungs which are needed to.. run everything that you will need to get you away from the tiger.  Now crushed in your chest cavity by your expanding outward (bulging tummy) and backward (back pain) and upward (heart, lungs) the omentum takes over all of space saving up this fat for the tiger who never comes - all because of YOUR STRESS.

While taking it off you have to be low stress too.  In that same thought line, if you are stressed and you exercise, you are burning that omentum fat first.  You will see weight loss on the scale, but if you de-stressed and emptied your omentum parking lot naturally (sleep, rest, sex, etc.) and you are happy and well rested when you work out you would be burning that fat on your thighs instead.

We learned on Dr. Oz just today that the most successful time to work out is first thing in the morning - before breakfast.  Your tank is on empty, and so your body will pull from that fat on your thighs to get its energy to push you though the workout rather than from the omentum which has now been cleared by your de-stressing overnight during sleep.

Then you have breakfast and fuel yourself for your now elevated metabolism and to fuel you through to lunch.

In the same episode they also said that sex had the best benefit for you if you have it in the morning.

So my plan should be:

Wake up
Have Sex
Work Out
Healthy Breakfast

This should make me sleep well at night after starting my day off like that and have a better day because really, who can have a bad day after they have started it out with at least one fantastic orgasm?

PS - This blog isn't for kids. =)

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