Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Movie Notes: Killer at Large


60 Million People are Obese (2008)

People have been around for 4 million years but only in the last 75 years has agriculture taken over to the point that we now have a surplus of food.

We make 200 food decisions each day - what to eat, what size, portion, flavors, refill, how far to the kitchen, etc.

There was a time when gas stations only sold gas, or bookstores only sold books.  There is now food around us all the time, everywhere, that we are constantly getting the message that it is time to eat.

Factors to Obesity:

Portion Size
Low Physical Activity
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Quitting Smoking
Eating Disorders
Lack of Sleep
Calorie Dense Foods
School Lunches
Genetic Factors
Fast Food
Metabolic Syndrome
Vending Machine
Unregulated Marketing
Sendentary Lifestyle
Food Addatives
Lack of Open Spaces

When we are stressed our bodies take that it is a time of famine.  So we crave food/nutrition. 

When you have social factors such as the economy or the "war on terror"  these are low stressors that are always in the back of our mind.  We are constantly stressed in a low way of our environment.  Then add on work, family, bills, repairs, transporation, debt, etc. and our bodies think that food is insanely scarce due to the stress levels and it wants you to eat all the time, any time to you see food to store up for the time when there really won't be any food - the thing is, there never isn't food in our current culture.  Things are open 24 hours - grocery, gas station,fast food, convenience stores, drive thru, etc.

The same receptor in the brain that handles alcohol, coke, herone is the same that handles sugar.

Being obese is technically a sin.  It is going against God's wishes for the body (no matter your religion).

In all other areas of life we purchase and desire things on a quality over quantity - except in the area of food where we definitely desire quantity over quality.

Oil is used to make fertilizer.
Fertilizer is used on the food and to process and ship the food.
20% of our fuel consumption as a nation goes to food - the same amount as transportation.

If every person in the US lost 1lb this year, we would save 39 Million gallons of fuel.

If you take $1 into the grocery store you can get:
1200 calories in candy
75 calories in carrots
875 calories in soda
150 calories in orange juice

The food system is set up that the least good for you foods, the ones that cost the most to process are the least expensive.  Whereas foods taken straight out of the ground, washed and sent to your grocery store cost A LOT more.

In the No Child Left Behind program schools have cut their PE classes (some have even turned the gym into classrooms) to double up on Math and other testable classes to show the test results of No Child Left Behind.

USDA has a minimum mandate of calories for our school lunch system, they do not mandate a maximum.

USDA subsidizes the costs of chicken nuggets, tater tots, chocolate milk and fruit cocktail with high fructose corn syrup.  They do not subsidize any fresh foods.

We spend more on just the CA prison system in a year than we do feeing every child in school all across america for lunch in a year.

There are 15 TSP of sugar in a 20 ounce soda that are sold in vending machines in almost every school across this country.  There are 12 TSP in a 1/4 cup.  On average children are drinking TWO of these sodas per day.  Imagine putting about 3/4 cup of sugar in a baggy and sending a kid off to school with that telling them they have to finish it before they come home from school.

Children under 8 years of age cannot distinguish between a tv show and a commercial.

The head positions of the USDA are people who have been lobbyists for or worked in the major food industry - beef, monsanto, general mills, etc.

Dr. Richard Carmona who was the 17th Surgeon General of the US testified before a hearing committee that he was muzzled by the White House, FDA and USDA on his speeches and topics and wasn't allowed to talk about the obesity problem in our country due to the pressure on politicians and the white house from big food business.


61% of our active military are obese.  VA amputations are mostly due to complications from diabetes.

In 2006 Scotty Pippin (basketball player) received $850,000 in farm subsidies from land he owned in Arkansas.  Local farmer's market farmers don't receive any subsidies and they actually plant, grow, harvest and sell their crops.

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