Sunday, May 16, 2010

Out with the Old, Make Room for NEW!

After being inspired by Jillian's new show promo where she says to the woman as her entire driveway and front yard are covered in boxes of stuff, "You are drowning in all of this old stuff. We have to make room for NEW" today I will be heading into the motor home that has lived as a storage unit in my driveway for a few years now to start the process of cleaning it out so I can sell it and get it out of my driveway. =)

Inside is years of stuff.

I will be cleaning, organizing, taking photos and preparing to sell or donate all of my old hobby items that I have an amazing amount of stuff for, but haven't actually done in any noticeable capacity for years - sewing, knitting, crochet, cross stitch.

In the future that I am creating for myself there won't ever be time for me to sew my way through the 14 bins of material that I have had for years. In my future life I will be enjoying time with others, and taking care of myself.

This packed motorhome of craft items has a history.

Many years ago, 2005-2006 to be more exact, I bought a TON of random sewing material (all really nice stuff) for $7 at the home auction for Terry O'Quinn and his wife when they moved from Maryland to Hawaii after LOST won their Emmy's and were picked up for another season. It is FAMOUS material.. for $7! LOL

I then paid $280 for the bins that all of the material has been stored in to protect it from dust and the elements.

I then bought industrial sized Velcro rolls and hundreds of zippers off of eBay with the intention of making dog beds and belly bands for the dog boutique that I now haven't owned in years.

I then had to have batting for the beds that I was going to make, so I bought five boxes of batting, and quite a bit of foam sheets for some orthopedic type beds I had intended on making.

During this time I have used probably 2 yards of material, and I have even purchased more material with the intention of making things that never happened.

Plus, this is all living in the RV I want to sell, but can't until I get the stuff out of it.

It has to start somewhere right? =)

Are there areas of your life that are keeping you in the same habits and behavior that got you here?

Do you have old hobbies that no longer apply to the new life you are creating for yourself?

Are there places in your life that you could make room for NEW? =)

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