Thursday, July 19, 2012

Derailing the pain train...

The starting point to my path of delays and derailment is when I start the "pain train" - as long as I am pulling around the car about how I didn't work out today I may as well add the car about how my dog needs a bath, my house is dirty, my yard needs to be mowed, the neighbors must think I am trashy, I could have been X weight by now, I should have taken better care of my __________, I forgot to take my vitamins, my windows are dirty, and on and on. Next thing I feel hopeless because I have belittled myself of all of these things I shoulda/coulda/woulda done if I were just a "better person".

The power of the mind in weight loss was recently magnified to me as I watch the Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition episodes. When Chris Powell takes them on their first workout his goal is to mentally break them and put them into a situation where they either have to fight through it, or they will quit and walk away. When it gets really rough you can see their eyes start to glaze over and you know that voice in their head has started... you can't do this, what the hell were you thinking, you better walk out of here right now, he is trying to hurt/injure you, this is impossible.... and that voice is SO LOUD... they can't hear Chris screaming at them right next to them encouraging them to do it, get up, they CAN do this, finish it, do the last rep, move on and SUCCEED at this! That inner strength, to be your own Chris Powell, to be your own life coach, your inner Jillian/Bob, to know that your body will do SO MUCH MORE than what your mind falsely thinks you can do is something we have to rely on every day when we make decisions about our journey and ultimately our successes and our not as successful moments on our personal journey.

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