Sunday, March 27, 2011

61 Days...

I am now 61 days into my Facebook Motivational Program and it is going just excellent.  

I took Friday off as a rest day and then wanted to make up for some of the cardio/strength I missed - so yesterday I took my bike outside in the first time that I have owned it in easily 8-ish years and I took took an hour and 50 minute bike ride and I went 9.18 miles.  Thank you Spark People tracking program for allowing me to map exactly where I went with Google Maps then calculating, based on my time and weight, how many calories I burned - which was 745.  A normal day of cardio for me is around 420 calories burned.

I am very proud of this accomplishment and especially since I can still walk the next day.  I was up at 6:30a (sleeping in an hour and a half from my weekday wake up time) and ready to rock and roll. =)

Feeling very proud of myself these days. =)

1 comment:

  1. You should feel proud. You went from not walking at all, even having your groceries deliver, eating unhealthy foods - to, well, this. This amazing machine filled with knowledge and willpower. Well, you always had the willpower, it just took you time to focus it in this direction.
    So happy for me, so happy for you.
