Friday, October 1, 2010

Biggest Loser - Season 10 - Episode 2

Biggest Loser - Season 10 - Week 2 - SPOILER ALERT

14 arrive at the campus.

Lisa, 31 - Stay At Home Mom
"Every pound hides a piece of who I used to be and who I know I am deep on the inside. Part of the reason I am here is to find myself again."


The contestants meet Allison Sweeny.

Yellow Team is introduced.  Bob and Jillian are each allowed to pick one person who didn't make it onto the ranch.

They are given second chances. =)

Bob picked Aaron so he could make his son proud and Jillian picked the asthmatic Elizabeth who kept going until she passed out and lost the challenge for the yellow team.

Allison reminds them, even though they have colored shirts that match
someone else, they are NOT competing as teams.  They are playing as individuals.


They head up to the gym to see Bob and Jillian.

They are hootin' and hollarin' on their way up to the gym.

Jillian:  "First thing - Day 1 - 7 incline on the treadmill.  Let's see what you are made of.  Here's the good news.  Only 3 hours and 47 minutes left."

Bob says, "You think that you might know what goes on in this house, but you have no idea what we are going to expect of you every single day.  You talk to anyone who has made it all the way through this house it is what they put in today.  Right now you have to forget all you think you know about the Bob and Jillian that you have seen on television and it is all going to start today.

Jillian is watiing for the day that you say you can't do it and you walk out of the house.  That is her goal - she demands perfection.  I am going to expect absolute dedication from this day out.  And as much as you think today is hard, you will have to get up tomorrow to do it again, and again and again."

Jillian - "Look, they are still smiling."

Jesse - "First workout is absolute chaos.  We are two hours in and there are people puking on the treadmill while they are running."

Lisa - Crying while doing pushups.  "I have had two kids, natural child birth, and it doesn't hold a candle to Day 1's workout - not even close."

Jillian - "Where's the cheering?  No cheering?  What happened to the cheering?"

Adam - "We were squatting all the way down and I had to dig deeper than I ever have in my entire life.  You can't give up. There's people depending on me.  When I think about that, there's no option, there's no option for failure."

Jillian - Keep Going!

Rick - on his back for 45 minutes.  Passed out on treadmill.  "I am disappointed more than I have ever been."

Jillian - Down and up 3, 2, GO!
Sophia - OMG what was that?
Jillian - (Rolls her eyes) Your head - GO!! Do 5 more, 5, 4. 
She stops
5 more!
5 more!
you wanna act like a victim
I will victimize you
You wanna act like a victim
(Sophia rolls her eyes)

Don't roll your eyes at me girl, I will ruin you in this place. Got it?!?!

Yes ma'am. (in a tiny meek voice)

"I will knock that shit right off of your shoulders. Now do 5 more.  And make it happen.  If you want to act like a victim, I will treat you like a victim.  If youw ant to have some self respect, and be pro active, and do what it takes to get it done, then I have your back.  Do you understand?!"

"Do 5 and make em good!"

Sophia does the 5.

Now was that so hard?!


The Contestants see Dr. H.

Dr. H - "I have to get inside their heads.  A number of them haven't been to the Dr. in a very long time.  For a  number of them, their Doctors practically phone it in."

Lisa - Dr. H shows her her abdomen. 
Cholesterol messed up.
Inflamatory markers, this visceral fat, the vessels have plaque at age 31.


Family History
Effect of the Weight

These are all markers that we use to predict how much longer you are going to live.

Real age is 61.

We rarely have doubling of age.  Half of that is the fat, half of that is the cigarettes. 

Dr H, "Do you want to live?"

Lisa, "Yes!"

"I had no idea that I was that unhealthy.  I haven't even been that overweight that long."

Tina -
Fat is being deposited not just under your skin, but in your organs.

Aaron -
51% Body Fat and he has diabetes.

Brendan - 
You have the arteries of a 65 year old man.

Rick - 
For a person your age the risk of heart disease is 4%.  Your risk in the next 5 years of a heart catastrophe is 32%.  They show him his family via satellite phone.  I am sorry that I put myself in that position.  I am going to work hard.

Adam -
Mother died of diabetes. 

Allie -
Had Gastric Bypass Surgery at 14.  Lost some fat, lost a lot of muscle.  When things go south after Gastric Bypass you only gain fat back.  She has the highest body fat percentage on the show.

This is aproblem that people with gastric bypass surgery don't want to talk about.

Does the Dr. who accepted your check at 14 check in with you to see your fat percentage.  Does the Dr. who accepted your check follow up with you to make sure you are living a healthy lifestyle?


Bob and Jillian visit the Contestants in the kitchen at the ranch.

You have to eat to lose weight.  Eating more wholesome real food, and staying away from those food-like foods.

Common denominator of all of your favorite foods - the size of everything.

You have to watch portion control. 

Jillian - has anyone tried the common sense diet.  Less calories.  Calories is a unit of energy.  Mindful of the energy we are consuming, and what we are expending.

1 lb = 3500 calories

Lean and Green.  The greener the better.  A little protein, a little fat, a little carb at each meal.

Have carbs early in the day so you can burn them off before rest.

Don't drink your calories.


The Contestants get something to eat and then head to the gym.

Bob - No BS, no talking.  They need to feel now today just how bad it is today.

Jillian - Keep walking, don't hold on.

Bob - Today I want them leaving the gym a friggen' mess.

Jilian - I am going to BREAK your FINGERS!

Anna says, "Some people are starting here. (puts her hand up high).  Some here. (puts her hand in the middle)  I may be here (lowest), but I am starting!"

Brendan - "Are we almost done?"  

Bob - "That is the worst thing you can say to Bob.  I just put my crosshairs on you then."

Brendan - "I am so out of shape it is disgusting.  I would lay in someone's puke right now - honestly.  I thought Day 1 was hard, that was nothing.  I just want this to be over today."

Jenni-O has a full roasted turkey breast that can be cut at your deli counter.  Use it to wrap up some veggies and place in a Ziploc bag to have easy access to a meal when you are in a hurry.


Sandwiches are Shipped In

Early on in the show a few of the guys talked about the types of foods they used to eat at home.  Most mentioned sandwiches that contained pounds of meat, special sauces, french fries, loads of cheese, etc.  So the they had their favorite sandwiches shipped into them at the gym so they could see and look at their sandwiches, what they used to eat.

Jillian - "Food is a drug.  It kills you.  We need to make them aware of what is in it, and what it is doing and form a connection to the food for what it really is - it is obesity, death crappy sex life, lack of confidence at the office - it is all of that."

Brendan - (Looking at his sandwich) I can't believe I did this to myself.

Bob - you are fighting your way back.  Where you are right now is exactly where you should be.

Brendan - "I used to be so in shape, so energetic, I threw it all away when I gained weight.  I threw away the one girl who loved me no matter what.  I just pushed her away to try to get her to break up with me and she wouldn't.  I didn't feel like I deserved the love."

Bob - You can't live in the past anymore.  It is beating you up and it is time to move forward, forgive yourself, and move forward.  Who knows what the future holds in store for you.  What you did today is big.  What you accomplished today is big.  I want you to forgive yourself and move on into your future.

As they finish their conversation the camera pans up to the quote on the wall.  "This isn't about winning a game, it's about fixing what's broken. - Bob"


First Ranch Weigh-In

Later in the day they were all in the living area and Allison enters.

"Today is your first weigh in.  You have a couple of hours to get ready."

Been over 2 weeks since they weighed them in at home.

At the scale, Allison says, "You will still face the scale, and there will still be a yellow line.  It's just moved."  The yellow line moves up to under #8 out of 16. 

Tonight, half of you will be below the yellow line.

The 8 in the bottom half are all in danger of elimination.  Top half, will be guaranteed one more week.

Week 2 at the Ranch - 3 weeks from the initial competition. 

Rick - Only did 35 minutes the first workout.
Jesse - "I didn't even get to say goodbye to 350."

Jessica - 282 to 268 - 14lbs - 4.96%
Weighed in 10th - Crying. Disappointed.

Weighed in 15th - Elizabeth - Asthma - 244 to 232 - 12lbs - 4.92%
I am not disappointed.  Those are 12lbs that I worked hard for.  It may not be enough to keep me here.  I don't know.  It doesn't matter, because I know I can do this.  I don't want to feel liek this anymore.  I want a better life.  I am going to keep fighting.

Only one woman above the yellow line.
Only one man below the yellow line.

Lorelei note:  It is always interesting to me how circumstances can change everything.  If Burgandy had weighed in first, then she would have thought differently about her 12lbs.  That is really like 6 weeks of weight loss in half the time.  However, because she weighed in 9th, and her number was lower than most - she is disappointed with her loss.
There is a way out.

Rick, as the biggest loser at tonights weigh in has the opportunity will be able to save one player from elimination.

There will also be a challenge.  Only the people under the yellow line will compete for it.  Seven will have to do well in the challenge, because in the end, one of you will be voted out.


Yellow Line Competition to determine who will be up for elimination.

Rick chooses to save Patrick from having to compete or be eliminated.

Lorelei Note:  Rick expressed concern over whether or not this would create a man vs women environment, but I really feel that for fairness he had no choice.  I am sure every woman wants to  be picked, but if they aren't picked, then I am sure they would all want Patrick chosen to even out the chances.

It was a hard race.

In the end, Allie and Tina are up for elimination and the Top 8 are deciding.

Lorelei Note:  While watching Biggest Loser, most often I will fast forward through the eliminations.  I don't like them.  They make me uncomfortable, it is not a real life situation I feel like they are forced into impossible situations and so the things that come out of their mouth aren't a real life situation that any of us would be in, and so what they say is to protect their own feelings, their own image and at times is so deep into a mental game they really don't see reality anymore.

When you look at the challenges that they have to participate in, it is just like real life challenges.  If you aren't the most healthy, cunning, fit, strategist in real life - you won't be the winner.  There are so many around you not taking responsibility for their health and their lives, don't be like everyone else - be different.  Choose different - for you.  If you don't take care of your health, take care of yourself - you may come in last.  Then someone else has your fate in your hands.  If you don't prepare yourself to fight for yourself, then someone else will choose for you.

In the end Allie is eliminated.

In Allie's exit interview - In an interesting twist, Allie reveals that she called home to ask her mother to remove the chocolate from the house as that is one of her big trigger foods.  She arrives home and the chocolate is there on the counter.

She realized right there that she couldn't rely on her family to be there for her.  Her mother didn't have the tools to even understanding to support her in her goals.

She turned to her Biggest Loser family for help.  They gave her the encouragement that she needed to keep going - she is still competing for the at home prize. 

Lore Note:  We all need a community to go to.  We need a group of people who can help us through our "downs" and push us further in our "ups".  Who can share with us their tips and tricks that help us to keep thinking about the task at hand. =)

Find your community of support. =)

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