Friday, May 28, 2010

It really is easy if you just take the time to really think about it.

I am in a very happy place!

I am upbeat.  I am simply wowed at the possibilities I wouldn't have considered for my future just a short 9 weeks ago.  I have become used to the "omg.. I am so dumb, why didn't I see that earlier.." feeling and now use it as a pavlov's dog response that I have to praise myself for overcomming yet another life challenge and praise myself for having an open mind and considering all possibilities - including that.. it is totally OK to be wrong sometimes. =)

Realize that to question is how we grow!

I lost 2 lbs this past week - but the scale just isn't a focus right now.  I KNOW I will get to my goal - the only thing that is not within my control on this journey is time - and so I am really just waiting for it to happen like a child waits for their very important birthday to finally get here!  Along the way I am enjoying my life journey in ways I never dreamed.  I am feeling the REAL emotions that were under all of that baggage that I was carrying around.  That chip on my shoulder because I thought I knew everything - is gone.  My mind is open to all of the learning possibilities around me.  I was trying to find the wording to say on Facebook "If you are heading out to do something exciting - please consider inviting me" without it sounding like a desperate plea for friends and instead that I am so eager to try new things I don't even know where to begin! =)

Do I get down? Do I have moments of doubt and frustration?  TOTALLY!  The change I made to my old behavior is that now I only allow myself to feel that way for 30 minutes (timer and everything), then I start working on finding a way out of it.  One of the easiest places to find inspiration and motivation is YouTube.  I watch YouTube videos of people who have had successful weight loss doing exactly what I am doing.

Today I was having one of those brief moments.  I let something frustrate me that shouldn't be a priority for my emotions.  So I went to YouTube to change my mood.  I found this amazing video:

Those 5 things that she listed.. that is all there is to it.  We always try to make diet plans complicated.  Maybe it is because all of the fad diets out there are complicated.  Books, and points, and food type restrictions, and all of this complexity.

Follow a healthy natural food plan
Commit to an evolving fitness plan you enjoy
Spend your energy retraining your brain to be a healthy you

It really is easy if you just take the time to really think about it. =)

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