Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ugly Fruit

I have made a commitment to try new fruits and vegetables. Those memories form childhood over horrible, slimy, canned vegetables is rooted (haha funny pun) deep on our brains and it takes a bit to get past those aversions.

One benefit has been I am so happy to have such a robust internet at my disposal during this weigh loss journey. There are tips for success, stories of failure, inspiring before and after photos, video workouts by professionals and amatuers alike, recipes from all over the world and more!

When it comes to the vegetables I generally search on recipes that contain ingredients that I like along with a new vegetable choice. That way I can prepare it with flavors that I like and appreciate and that makes trying new things so much easier.

I had the opportunity to try Romanesco when we went home to visit. My brother is a produce dealer and he obtained this special treat.

Romanesco. Prepared: Steamed. Texture: Cauliflower. Taste: Imagine 3 cauliflower florets and 1 broccoli floret in your mouth at the same time. I would definitely have it again. =)

I was recently was at the grocery store and saw the Ugly fruit. Although expensive, I wanted to at least try one - the name alone made me chuckle. If you are unaware, It is the size of a huge grapefruit and looks like it is rotting inside by its shape.

The "directions" sticker instructed me to cut it in half and treat it like a grapefruit. Ok, I remember my mother eating grapefruit when I was growing up.. that means taking a paring knife around the outside edge between the flesh (juicy part)" and the rind and then cut between each section. Use a pointed spoon to scoop the flesh out.

From Wikipedia: The taste is often described as more sour than an orange and less bitter than a tangerine, however, and is more commonly guessed to be a lemon-tangerine hybrid.

I would further the above description as less citrus tasting than an orange, and more bland than a tangerine. The most MILD lemon taste ever if it could even be compared to the taste of lemon. I wouldn't consider eating it like an orange - although the inside is very very juicy, the outside of each wedge is tough and fibrous, and I am not a "pulp" texture or flavor fan. =)

Try one if you haven't - exploring new foods is fun. =)

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