Monday, January 31, 2011

Figuring it out

Monday's are my weigh-in day.  I was sick with the flu earlier this month and weighed in at my lowest ever of 247.  I didn't want to celebrate too early as I knew that some of that was from water weight loss due to having the flu.  

I had been sitting between 255 - 250 for awhile now.  I realized at the beginning of January this was partly due to the fact that I had set to have a goal of getting to 250 by 11/2 - my 40th birthday - which I accomplished.  But then the system kept me at 250 as my goal and so I was maintaining the caloric intake for a 250lb person.  Ooops! =)

After switching the goal earlier this month I got the flu a few days later.

While watching The Biggest Loser two weeks ago Dr. H recommended to one of


David Wolfe is one of the icons of the raw food movement.  He has a commerce site that is a quick way to expose yourself to some of the amazing super foods out there.

A quick video of food empowerment from David Wolfe.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A&E's Heavy

If I am not watching comedic programming - I use cable and internet programming that teaches me more about weight, health and healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

A&E and the producers of their famed Intervention program have a new show called Heavy.

Heavy covers two people per episode for a 6 month period.  So far a man and a woman each episode who are in need of help.  They go to a controlled environment for 30 days, then return home.  If they are unable to continue their weight loss, they return to the center for another 30 days.  In the end the return to the center after 6 months for their final weigh in.

They have full episodes on their site.  It's no Biggest Loser, or Intervention - but it gives a further glimpse into the lives of people who are food addicts and deal with depression and other crippling issues that have caused them to get to their weights and a high level look into what they need to do to take it off.